Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The Jig is Up.

Okay, I don't know why I ever grinched about jury duty. They were very happy I came. They gave me free parking and let me bring in my Starbucks salted carmel mocha. There was a t.v. turned to The View and then Rachel Ray. They showed me a video that illustrated what an important part of our judicial system I played just by being there, even if my number wasn't called for a trial. They paid me ten dollars and made me more coffee. Aside from checking in, nobody spoke to me. No one demanded a single thing of me the whole time. Not one. I had my iPhone for company and actually Laughed Out Loud a couple of times at my friends and their funny texts. When I got bored with that, I downloaded Tina Fey's Bossypants and then read it and lol'd some more. When they dismissed me at noon, I met Shane and the girls for lunch out. Are you kidding me? Jury duty is the best kept secret on God's green Earth. A staycation of sorts. I'm calling in tonight to see if they'll let me come again tomorrow....

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


I've been lamenting the jury summons sitting on the kitchen counter for a month now. I called the automated recording tonight to see if my number came up. It did. Ugh. That means I have to report to jury duty tomorrow. Double Ugh. I have to write sub plans. Ugh Ugh Ugh. I'm all for doing my duty, but tomorrow is early release day at school and we have two assemblies; one in the morning and one in the afternoon. I never have such an easy day at school. What's worse is that we could end up having a snow day, but I'll have written sub plans and I'll still have jury duty. Bah Humbug. I was grinching to Shane about it tonight within earshot of Peyton. She stopped what she was doing, ran over to me, got right up in my face and said frantically, "But Mom! Will you still have your huh (hair)!?!"

I smiled and said, "Yes baby. I have jury duty, not chemotherapy."

I'm done complaining. I'll happily go to jury duty tomorrow. Thank you my Pea Pie, for a healthy dose of perspective.

Monday, February 27, 2012


Peyton after prayers:

"Mom, but how can God hear us? Cause he has hearing aides?"

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Rainy Riders

Look for these highlights: the wedgie pick at 20 seconds, and some love at 1:14.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Number Two is Two Wheelin'

Look at my baaaaaaaaaaaby! Two wheels!
Yesterday, when I got home from work, Shane was tinkering working in the garage and Peytie was riding her Strider bike in the driveway. I got out of the car and watched her for a minute while Shane beamed with pride at having accomplished getting her off of her tricycle and onto the Strider bike. Puh-leeeeez. I watched her. She was balanced. I knew she was ready, so I suggested abandoning her Strider bike for her Dora bike. Shane couldn't believe I'd be so horrible as to undermine him. Through clenched teeth he hissed, "Why would you say
that? Look at her. She's doing awesome."

We teachers know these things. We can see ready. She eagerly got on her Dora bike. We did a few laps up and down the street last night so she could find her balance. Grammy Jane took them, and their bikes, to the park today. They were both crashed out on the couch when I got home from work this afternoon; wiped out from their time at the park. Then, when Shane got home tonight Peyton (in her pajamas) rode laps in the driveway while he watched from the garage. Thirty minutes in she wanted to keep riding. It started to rain. She wouldn't quit. She fell off and cried. Then she got back on and kept riding, always refusing help. When the rain pounded harder she finally conceded to coming inside. This momma loves her determination. Daddy was giddy. Her stubbornness, though it will cause her some trouble in the years ahead, is gonna serve her well....

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Happy Anniversary. Eeeeewwww, gross.

Two years ago today I posted this. Today, we're celebrating fifteen years of wedded bliss. Here's to the next fifteen. The girls saw my wedding dress in our closet and have been asking to see it. In honor of our fifteen years together, I did one better. I took it out and let them try it on. Oh my.

"Mom! This is where the boobies go."

In May of the year we got married, we spent the summer working at a lodge in Alaska. Don't ask. I still get really angry talking about it. Anyway, while we were there, Shane traded some tackle to another guide named Crazy Willie. This is what he got in return....
That's a back scratcher. Genuine. Made from the claw of a beaver. Because they're of the same era, it hangs on the same hanger as my wedding dress. Gross, huh?

Monday, February 20, 2012

Be Mine, Valentine.

I've shared here my obsession with Pinterest. Love it. That's where I got the ideas for the girls' Valentines this year. Cheap, easy and no writing. Win Win Win.

Step 1

Step 2)

Step 3)

Step 1)

Step 2)

Step 3)

For the love (or lack thereof) of the Duck

Despite our love for our alma mater, the girls have a history of fearing the Duck. We're working on it.
Here we are before a women's game on Women in Sports Day....

....and Peyton got brave enough to high five him. Libby was hiding behind me.

Fast forward to last Saturday. Both girls got brave, if only for a fly by.

When the Duck got winded after one pass and fell down, there were hysterics all around.

The girls were excited to snuggle in with their cousins on Sunday morning. This is Peyton in adoration of all things Jayden. Libby climbed in with Jamison, who was less than thrilled with having their picture taken, so I decided to spare him the embarrassment. After all, he's going to be in high school next year. I know. It shocks me every time too.

Winter Recap (In Pictures)

It's not that I haven't posted on my blog in awhile, but it's been a really long time since I've put up any pictures. So, here goes....

A lazy weekend morning.

Over Christmas Break I was on a mission to clean out some school/artwork belonging to the girls whilst preserving everything. I separated into two piles and took digital pictures of all of it with the intent of making an iBook. Now, I just gotta order that book. That will be my Spring Break project.

A gorgeous winter day at the park. We thought we'd be the only ones there. Boy, were we wrong.

The girls "wrote" these stories and I must've emailed it to myself. I can't think of another reason I'd have it on my phone. Their stories clearly have roots in some familiar children's classics.

Peyton fell asleep in the car one day while my mom ran in to Fred Meyer, Libby took advantage of the vacant front seat.

This is Peyton giving her own acceptance speech as we watched the Academy Awards.

This is for you, Grandpa Dad.

Libby models my new boots. Aren't they cute? That's not to say I didn't have a skinny jeans crisis upon receiving them. I mean, skinny jeans. Just the name is loaded with pressure. I wrestled around with it for a few weeks before deciding maybe I just needed to return the boots. I mean, nothing will ruin cute boots faster than me in a pair of skinny jeans. I explained my crisis to Anna Lisa. She texted me to quit worrying. She'd gone to and four pairs of jeans were on their way via FedEx. Are you kidding? That's a friend. Someone who'll shop for you in a crisis. I kept two pairs of jeans, and the boots. Turns out you don't have to be skinny to wear skinny jeans. Ha!

Grandpa Dad does stories at bedtime one night.

Shane recently got out his old fly tying box. It's filled with beads, threads and colorful feathers. The girls were very interested.

Playing at gymnastics.


Last week when I picked the girls up from Tracy's house they were hanging out in the neighbors barn with the cutest little neighbors ever. I was in no hurry to leave the cuteness to get back to work. Kinda made me wish we lived in the country....

Our Who?

"Mom, who's our butler?" -Libby

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Friday, February 10, 2012

You Mean Situated?

This morning, I could hear the girls talking in their room so I went in to give loves before leaving for work. Peyton sat up in bed and said, "Mom, my nose is stuffy."

Me: "Well, maybe you should get up and blow your nose."

Peyton (annoyed, laying back down): "It's otay. I got my nose all fituated."

Two things.....

A) My Pea Pod is not a huge fan of exerting herself beyond what she deems absolutely necessary.

B) I think she's going to have a great vocabulary.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Moon Spotter

Libby (to a playmate at the playground this afternoon): "Hey, my sister is the best moon spotter in the whole world."
Now, that's love.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Looking Toward the Future

This morning while the girls were in the bathtub.....

P: "When I grow up I'm gonna be a daddy."

Me: "You are? How you gonna do that?"

P: "Magic."

L: "You gonna go to Africa?"

P: "Nope."

L: "How about Argentina?"

P: "I'm gonna go everywhere that's far far away!"

L: "Like bend? Are you going to bend? I'm going to go to bend. But you gotta watch out for sharks."

Thursday, February 2, 2012


I'm on antibiotics again. Shocking, I know. Tonight, after (not really) listening to the unsolicited medical advice from my sweet husband we had this exchange....

me: "Listen, just because you like to look at naked people doesn't make you a doctor."

him: "Hey, I was a biology major for awhile."

Oh, jeez. I forgot that part. Okay, I'm all ears.
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