Saturday, June 11, 2011


I have three days with students this week, and two days without. Summer officially starts for me on Friday. I remember (like it was yesterday) how I felt when I posted this, and I was counting the days until I returned to work. Now, I'm five days away from having completed this year and getting to spend my whole summer with my family. I'm so ready for summer! I know I haven't blogged anything in a long time. But, here's a look back at May....

Libby gives Peytie a boost on one of our first (and rare) sunny days.

Before having kids this would be the oddest scene ever. Now, well....just a day in the life. Can someone please unstack the paint tower, before there's paint everywhere? Impressive though, right?

At the beginning of May we attended the first banquet ever held on the floor of the Matthew Night Arena. The banquet was held to honor women athletes who never received an athletic letter. My momma was one of many! She was honored as an athlete in tennis, track and field and basketball. Check out her name in lights!

Go Lady Ducks!

I've posted pictures like these before. But, as the girls have gotten older, they want to fly higher.

Super Peytie!

Just another wardrobe change.

Static Heads

One thing I loved about being home with the girls were slow, quiet mornings and making hot breakfasts. A few weeks ago, Libby asked for pancakes and I was happy to make them, with help.

A fun new game. Alphabet Sequence.

This picture is summary of my loss of personal space. I actually set my computer here so I could watch the girls play in the backyard, or on the trampoline. But the minute I sat down, Libby pulled her chair over and said, "Mom, I want to sit by you." And whatever Libby does, Peyton does three seconds later. And so it goes.

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