Tuesday, May 31, 2011


I love updating my blog, and lately, as the school year has been winding down, there is zero time. I have totally neglected what I love doing for what I get paid to do. Well, not totally. We just had a pretty great long weekend. Except that when I stop working for a minute, whatever cold virus has been lurking, launches a full fledged attack and I spent Sunday sneezing in bed, watching Nick Jr. with two very happy couch potatoes. For Sunday's dinner we had a can of chicken broth (which my kids loved), a can of olives, a can of peaches, a few Saltines and a handful of M&Ms. Go ahead. Judge. They loved it. Tonight, I'm so stinkin' tired that it just took me about ten attempts to spell the word neglected correctly.....and the rambling voicemail I left for the parent of one of my students today.....yikes. I'll apologize for that tomorrow.

I'll wrap it up with some of Libby's artwork from her school's art show (a month ago). She loved the idea of pricing her art to sell, and made some serious attempts to get Nelson to spring a few bucks for one of her pieces. Nelson didn't buy, but a few more beers and he might've. We'll get him next year. We're raising quite the little entrepenure entrapeneur entrepeneur business woman. And her business venture was a success in the end. Grandpa Dad and Grandma Margie paid the full twenty bucks for her piece "Lucy's Lake". Sorry Amy. We'll try to get her to recreate it.

I have so many postings I'm behind on. two more weeks and I'll have all kinds of time on my hands to do it! I'll leave you with this....

Tonight we went to Costco and I bought the first collection of BOB books for Libby. On the way home she said, "But mom, I don't know how to read."

"I'll teach you, Babe. After all, it's what I do. Remember? I'm a......."

(I really was trying to get her to say "teacher" here.)

Instead, she replied, "genius!"

My heart swelled. My kid thinks I'm a genius. I don't even know how she knows that word, but I'm not going to push it. Then, she followed up with this little gem....

"Mom, you're a genius, and that rhymes with penis!"

See. She's totally ready to read.

1 comment:

amyanderson08 said...

The last comment got me laughing out loud in class! Ha Ha!

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