Saturday, January 2, 2010

See Ya 2009

2010 where did you come from? I'm surprised by how quickly the new year sneaks up on me every year. These are some pictures from the final days of 2009. I'm on Facebook daily, and this week saw lots of status updates bidding "good riddance" to 2009. People said things like "2010 couldn't possibly be worse than 2009, so bring on the new year". I have high hopes that this year will be better than last, but for me it'll be hard to beat. 2009 was good to us.

The girls and I went to church with my mom last week and this was the scene on our way. I've never seen deer in downtown Bend. This was crazy. Eight of them, making there way up from Drake Park and heading down Wall Street. What?!
I took the girls to Lowe's to pick up some lumber to make some photo boards. I'll post pictures when this project is actually completed.
Did I mention this girl loves her dad? They share a moment after Shane gets off the mountain.
Hot chocolate toast at Grammy Jane's.
We took the girls to Uncle Kevin and Aunt Susan's house on Sunday. I brought my camera intending to get a good picture of them with our girls. Of course I was too busy yapping and forgot. I did get some good ones of some Wii play.
Here I am trying to help Libby "balance in her bubble".
Uncle Kevin and the girls. The girls are holding new animals from Kevin and Susan. Libby got a beagle named Libby. Kevin and Susan's beagle (pictured) is also named Libby. Peyton got a pink pig, so we've named it Peyton. :)
Later that night we met up at the Dover's to celebrate Grandma Margie's birthday. Peyton celebrates upside down..... Just like her cousin Jayden.
Libby celebrates from atop Grandpa's head.
Playing with Grammy Jane's train is a favorite activity.
The Fab Four...
Peyton gets a 3D look at the tree lights.
Taking in the warmth of the fire in the fireplace.
Getting in some last fun before heading home. Libby was feeling good. It was about when this shot was taken that Peyton first threw up.
I wondered if Peyton throwing up was just a fluke.... until she did it again in the car on the way home.... with about 40 miles left to go. Blech. Poor kid. I didn't take her out of her car seat knowing she'd pitch a fit if I then tried to put her back in. Instead, I wiped her off the best I could and put the pedal to the metal. When we got home I left Peytie in her seat and set them both in the garage. I needed her to stay put while I came up with a plan. After unloading a few things from the car we went straight to the tub.
Post-bath happier girl. Though at this point we weren't yet out of the woods. She had a 24 hour bug it seems, but is over it now.
The girls had some t.v. time from their new bean bags while I did some Christmas clean up.
Cheers 2009!

1 comment:

jayden said...

I am in gymnastics

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