Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Like a Dog

This morning I had my face fixed on the screen of my computer reading a new blog that was interesting to me.  Libby walked up behind me and said, "Mom, do you want to play with me?" Not five minutes earlier I'd been watching the girls play together.  Sorting through a bin of blocks looking for the right one.  And as I watched them I noted to myself how fortunate we've been. I'm talking about enjoying time to be home together and avoiding the morning rush for the first years of their lives.  We owe so much gratitude to Shane for working so hard so I haven't had to.  His hard work will pay off for their lifetimes.  I know it's not for everyone.  It's definitely been for us.  There are moments that occur naturally in the mornings when we're still in our pajamas, eating breakfast, playing with toys left out the night before.  Today was a moment.  

I turned around and picked her up.  I said, "Yes, I want to play with you. But first I want to give you a squeeze."  I meant of course, that I wanted to freeze this moment.  We have nowhere to be.  I have nobody to answer to.  Nobody besides the two of you need me this morning.  Let's breathe that in for just a moment because a year from now I'll be standing in front of a classroom full of students who are not my babies.  I'll have to leave the two of you to get to them.  But today, that's not the case.  I buried my face in her hair and inhaled.  And then, came her reply..... "Mom, you're like a dog."  I cracked up.  I knew she meant I'd sniffed her the same way Grunden does with his wet nose.  She usually hates when he does that.  But, I prefer to think of that statement in broader terms.  I'm loyal, faithful and protective.  I live in the moment and love my girls without condition. There's a reason we call them man's best friend.  I hope I'll always be their dog.  What a compliment.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Daddy's Days Off

Peyton is a guzzler.  Loves her milk.  I actually worry that she gets most of her nutrition from bottles, because she loves the stuff, and isn't a big eater otherwise.  Here I had just finished a morning scramble.  Eggs, sausage, hash browns and cheese.  Does it get better?  Peyton threw it on the floor and grabbed her bottle. Sigh.  Grunden and I are both practicing patience in this picture....
More patience from Grunden.  Now, THAT is a good dog.
We've recently had some unbelievable weather for the Oregon Coast.  This day was about 70 degrees and no wind.  
Sandy girls.
A new haircut...
More great weather at the coast.  Here we played lakeside.  The girls were soaked, happy and exhausted.  

We spent some time on the dunes before heading down to play in the surf.  I have no pictures of playing in the waves because I can't take my eyes off of the girls for one second.  Libby, who didn't even want to walk down to the water kept saying, "Mom, I'm having so much fun!"
Heading home....

Libby uses the remote to try to make Peyton disappear.

Shane had three days off this week and we were all in heaven!  
Bottle girl.
Libby and Daddy color together.
Rough housing....
I wish you could hear her squeal!  So delighted with herself!
Future cheerleader?
Peyton's piggies.  We took pictures just before cutting them off to put in her baby book.  It's hard to do, but Peyton's hair was getting thin.  She pulls it out when she's upset and when she's sleepy.  Not the tension reliever I'd have chosen, but I guess it's better than beating her forehead on the floor...?

Cute even without pigtails.
Riding tandem.
Libby loves this pair of heels, that I haven't worn since working.  They are so loud on the floor, so I understand her fascination.
Ready for school?
Swing time at Grammy Jane's...
My mom took the bottom off of her birdhouse to remove the nest that a family of birds built in it last spring.  Libby was so curious.
New friends.  These are some finger puppets Julane bought for the girls at The High Desert Museum.  Libby loves her "turkeypine and stink".

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Trouble Makin'

Libby loves to pile up pillow and blankets and get comfortable.  After dumping the whole basket of toys, this was a great spot for watching t.v.
Heading to the bathtub after painting in the driveway.
Holy Tina Turner hair....
Aaaahhhhh green beans, how do I love thee?
Let me count the ways....
Flung through the air, or worn in my hair.
But, mostly in tomorrow's underwear........

Houston, we have a problem.  Peyton spent all morning taking this stool around to assist her in getting to places she has no business being.  The kitchen countertops are a huge fascination.  I think that in her mind if she can reach it, then she can have it.
One place that's okay to climb.  I redirected her to this table after she climbed up to the counter, and got my car keys.  She knows the red button sets off the alarm and gets a BIG reaction from me.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Feelin' Fall

It most definitely feels like fall.  The morning air is much cooler, school has started and the one year countdown on my stay-at-home life has begun ticking.  My family was here this weekend for Duck Football.  I went to the game with my mom, and we cheered on our Ducks who were much less embarrassing this week.  This morning was the best kind of chaos that only happens on Sunday morning after a football game.  Shane and Jim made a grocery run.  The kids played, chased, squealed, dog piled, laughed and the rest of us drank coffee and read the paper.  Great way to spend a weekend.  Here's a snapshot of our last two weeks.....

Julane took the girls for a few days in Bend and then I picked them up and we spent some time at Grammy Jane's.  Peyton has her first "hot chocolate toast" and seems to be a fan of dipping.
Breakfast with the boys.  Beaver jerseys noted.
Peyton loves the doorway jumper.
We came home early on a Monday so Shane could spend his day off with the girls.  Libby loves two games with her dad.  One is chase, and the other is called "go to sleep".  They basically pile as many pillows and blankets on the floor as they can find.  Then, if one catches the other with eyes open they say, "go to sleep."  I don't really get it, but the gist of it is that Libby is not more than an inch away from her daddy who she adores.  Libby doesn't seem to mind that sometimes Shane actually does fall asleep.
Our little climber has discovered stools.  And heights once unattainable are now at her fingertips.
Libby starts dance class on Tuesday.  She can't wait.  She doesn't correctly use the word "can't" yet, so she says, "I don't can wait!"  Grammy Jane sent us home last time with a dress that she wore for a tap recital when she was four.  My Grammy Pearl made it.  Libby put it on and said, "Mom, just like Annie."  She loved it, but I wouldn't let her wear it for too long as the fabric is a bit fragile.  Check out that smile...
Libby handed down the tutu she usually dances in so Peyton could join the party.
Scaling walls...
The girls and I spent a morning at Honeyman State Park while Shane was fishing.  It was about 75 degrees with no wind and it was empty.  We had a great time splashing in Cleowox lake and then walked a little of the path that goes around the lake.
The self discovery of a two year old.
Shane at the end of a day of fishing.  Grunden was a boat dog on this day.
We got home and needed some down time.  Even if we're only gone for two days at a time it's always great to get home and unwind.  The girls need time with their own toys and things, and I need a home that's bigger than our trailer.  I blew up the airbed and the girls had a blast. Peyton just tries to hold her ground on the mattress, while Libby jumps onto it from the couch. So fun.  Here they are playing a little game we call diiiiiiiiiipeeeeeeeeeeeee heads!
Peyton takes some time to conquer Mr. Potato Head.  She actully gets the idea and can get some of the pieces to hold in place.  Brilliant ;)
Making a mess of my thread.  She was having so much fun, that I knew it would be a meltdown when I took it away.  I quickly got breakfast together and distracted her with pancakes and sausage.
I just got the booster seat out of storage so I can fed the girls at the counter.  Still, I put a second barstool behind Peyton because I'm not convinced that she won't tip herself over backward.
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