Monday, May 11, 2009

Sleep Training...

The girls play in their new kitchen.  We ordered it from  It was supposed to take about two hours to put together.  Shane and I worked together and that may have been our downfall.  It only took us 3 1/2.
Grunny spends some time in the sun dreaming of when he was our #1.
Our first ER visit.  Shane holds Peytie and we wait for her temperature to drop.  Libby and I were laying on the gurney watching Dirty Dancing.  On a positive note...if you have to visit an ER a brand new hospital is a swanky way to do it.  We had a private room with a door, not a curtain, and a flat screen t.v.  Not reason to do it again, but still.....
We headed to over the hill to celebrate Jayden's eighth birthday.  Eight years?  Where did they go?  Jayden chose Sharis.  Great desserts!
Libby got invited to his birthday party too.  It was a Star Wars themed party.  Check out our little Jedi hanging  with the big boys.  In this game they had to keep their ballon in the air with their light saber.  She hung tough.  We were proud.
Peyton and I take in the festivities from the front yard.
Some grass time with Grammy Jane.
Love between sisters.
We've decided Peyton got a bit spoiled while she was sick.  She's been sleeping in four hour bits and wanting middle of the night bottles.  It's like having a newborn again.  Sigh.  So we decided to nip it in the bud.  No more middle of the night, sister.  We moved her back into her own room so she wouldn't keep Libby up with her crying and we put her to bed without swaddling her legs as we've been doing since she was born.  She slept for 10 1/2 hours without a peep.  It turns out she didn't much want to be swaddled anymore.  Problem solved......or so we thought.

At naptime I put her down without wrapping her up.  Then, I watched her on the monitor.  She pulled off her socks, kicked off her blanket, sat up and screamed for about ten minutes.  Then, she fell silent.  I looked at the monitor and she was still sitting up......completely still.  She was sound asleep sitting up.  We couldn't resist sneaking in with the camera to capture the moment.
Here's what we found......

Post nap face print.....
It was a gorgeous day here.  Libby blew bubbles, went down the slide and ran circles around the tree in the yard.  Peyton crawled around and gleefully watched her sister.  It's hard to tell if this is a hug or a tackle....
Libby is an expert at finding snails.  Yesterday, she brought me one, but called it a nut.  When I told her it wasn't a nut, but a snail she couldn't get away from it fast enough.  She pointed one out in the yard today, but only from the safety of the top of her slide.  Then, she told me that Grunden should eat it.
Peytie was happy with herself at dinner tonight.  She can drink water through a straw!  Check out the comb over.  Maybe we should call her The Donald.

1 comment:

rachel said...

I was cracking up out loud at that sight of Peyton asleep sitting up! I am so glad you got a picture of that. How cute!

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