Monday, May 4, 2009

The ER on a Saturday Night

Ugh.  Yep, you read that right.  Last week while we were in Bend Peyton saw a doctor who prescribed Amoxicillin for an ear infection.  Then, on Friday we followed up with a visit to our own doctors office, but not our own doctor, and her temperature was normal (or so they said), her ear on the mend. On Saturday her temperature was high, but it wasn't until just before bed that I took her temperature and it read 104.3.  I didn't think that could be right, so I took my own temperature with the same thermometer....98.7.  I took Peytie's again ...........104.  Shane and I were on the phone and he said, "I'll meet you at the ER."  

Have you been to the ER on a Saturday night?  Don't.  I'd not like to repeat it anytime soon. Though our nurse was great, I'd like to spend as little time as possible there.  They gave Peyton a mega-dose of Tylenol and Shane rocked her to sleep while Libby and I watched Dirty Dancing from the gurney in our private room.  Libby wanted cartoons, but believe it or not, Dirty Dancing wasn't as bad as the cartoons on at that hour.  Libby ate crackers and apple juice and obsessed over the frog that scared her with his croaking just outside the main doors of the ER. Peyton slept and her temperature quickly dropped.  We left at 12:30 with instructions to give Tylenol and Motrin as needed over the next few days.

Part 2:  

Today we have a rashy swollen little one.  This is almost identical to a reaction that Libby had at this age when she took antibiotics for an ear infection....sigh.  She is blotchy, puffy and generally not herself.  She can play independently for about 20 seconds before she looks for a leg to cling to and a shoulder to cry on.  I'll be checking on her more than once tonight.  We're hoping tomorrow will be better.

1 comment:

rachel said...

oh geez, jenny. i feel your pain. it's so scary when the babies have fevers that high. we went through that with delaney when she was 5 or 6 weeks old... not fun.
hope peyton's on the mend and libby gets that stupid easter bunny out of her mind.

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