Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The Oregon Zoo

I'll start by saying we've been wanting to take the girls to the zoo for a long time.  Next, I know I might be in trouble for coming to Portland and not calling a few people.  But, this was an impromptu trip and we'll be back, I promise.  We loved it!

I was worried when first thing in the morning Libby said, "I don't like monkeys."  Well sister, we're going to see some monkeys.  First stop, bears.

We saw some real polar bears, but this poster really puts Libby's size into perspective.
Whenever we'd see a new animal Libby would say, "He lookin' at me." whether they were or not.  The monkeys however, were.  Shane was a little creeped out by the monkeys.
Peyton checks out the turtles and the fish.
We stopped for a picnic and some run around time for Peyton.  She was getting restless being held, or having to ride in the stroller.  She's ready to be independently mobile!

Libby loved the sea lions and loved being right up against the glass where they were.  Shane stood in the back and swore at them under his breath for eating the salmon.

Watching a playful sea otter.
Libby says the "fishes" were her favorite.  She talks about the elephants and the giraffes a lot, so I think they must have been a close second.
We didn't ride the train, but waved at it a few times as it went by.  We decided we'll save something for the next trip.
Post zoo diaper changes and snacks before loading up and heading home.
Peyton has turned into quite the climber.  She can't walk yet, but that doesn't stop her from standing on the seat of this car.
It's hard to walk in a sleep sack.
Here is Peyton when she's mad.  She throws her head down and beats her forehead on the floor when things don't go her way.  She's given herself a few bruises.  I guess some things are learned the hard way.
Workin' on walkin'.

1 comment:

rachel said...

oh my gosh, jenny, i can't help but giggle when i read your posts. this one especially cracked me up.

"i don't like monkeys" on her way to the zoo!!

peyton hitting her head on the floor repeatedly?!?!

shane cursing the sea lions for eating the salmon!! lol

it's all just too funny... and so familiar. (well, maybe not the salmon part...)

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