Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Gearin' Up

We're gearin' up this week.  We've got Easter, skiing and Peytie is into EVERYTHING so it's time to get the house baby proofed once again.  Yesterday she closed herself in her room, removed the rubber choking hazard from the door stop and was chewing on it when I found her.  I quickly did the finger swipe which she HATES.  Disaster averted......phew!  Then I put up a baby gate and did a quick scan of the floor for any other small pieces.  Here we go again.  How quickly this will pass....

Hey mom, look what I've got.  Catch me if you can!
Peytie was cracking up at Libby's ski attire which Libby did NOT appreciate.  It all fits though, and we're ready to hit the slopes.
Happy birthday daddy!  We baked a cake for the big day.  Libby loves to help in the kitchen. Stirring was her favorite until she discovered licking the bowl.
Our creation before Libby took her turn at decorating.
The other day we ran errands and Libby must have been starving because the minute we got home she dove into a jar of Peyton's baby food.  Normally, she just laughs when I offer a bite of Peytie's food, but on this day she took one bite, liked it, and quickly polished off the whole jar.
"Happy birthday daddy!  Eat cake?"
Peytie's up on her feet!  She's trying to walk like a bear.  She's also pulling herself up and standing.  Next week she'll probably be taking my car for a spin.....
Libby spends a lot of time "shopping" in her little corner.  The box is where we keep all of her groceries.
Libby's posed for me, but clearly didn't want to.  I made her dress out of  a pillow case!  I found the instructions online and thought I'd give it a try and it worked!  I made it while the girls were napping.  When she woke up I asked Libby to try it on.  She looked at it and said, "I like it." while shaking her head "no".  Which actually means "I don't like it."  This is a new not-so-favorite phrase of mine.  
We got the Easter box out of the attic yesterday, and it kept Peyton entertained all afternoon.

Green beans?  Shouldn't we be having carrots?

1 comment:

Lindy said...

I love it!! The girls are so cute and getting so big. I love your blog and look forward to it every week. Thank you for sharing with us. I love the bunny ears and ski outfit. You just want to eat them up they are so precious!!! Lou

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