Thursday, June 28, 2012


I realized I haven't posted a single picture here in over a month, so I've got some catching up to do starting today. Shane promised the girls when he got home from Astoria that they would build and launch rockets together, like Shane did when he was a kid. This morning he delivered on that promise.

The girls were excited after going to the store to pick out their rockets.

I was skeptical that this would become any sort of bonding experience after Shane spent a fair amount of time at the kitchen table building rockets by himself.

This morning, we grabbed coffee and went to the school.

Lift Off!

Right after I snapped this picture, Shane realized his rocket was going to end up on the roof of the school. Oops.

Well hello, Mr. Custodian. Would you mind getting our rocket off of your roof? Thank you.

Then, Jaida came and it got even better.

Libby chased the latest launch.

Shane and the girls. Notice Peyton and Jaida covering their ears.

Where'd it go?

I got it!

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