Sunday, December 5, 2010

November Wrap Up

I've got some recapping to do, starting with our first (and maybe only) snow day of the year. Thanksgiving week is a short work week anyway, but this year I only worked Monday and Wednesday. I spent Tuesday remembering my life before going back to work. It was awesome. The (very light dusting of) snow was a bonus.
The girls played on the trampoline where the snow was clean.

Because the Ducks played on Friday, Thanksgiving was at our house this year. We started by putting feathers in our thankful turkey. The girls made this with our friend Tracy. Isn't he cute? We wrote what we were thankful for on his feathers before sticking them in his back (a styrofoam ball covered with yarn), and a new tradition is born.

Libby's birthday fell ON Thanksgiving for the first time this year. She helped decorate her turkey cupcakes.

A pre-dinner burning of calories. Libby and I stayed behind and ate more calories rested.

Turkey dinner. In more ways than one.


I posted this picture, because it was one of very few where my four year old is smiling about her birthday. She seems not to love being the center of attention when it's not her idea. She hides while we sing, and cries when there are gifts to be opened. At one point she even refused to open a gift and it just sat on the counter for a few days until I finally opened it. Sheesh.

Libby got a Barbie make up set from the Dovers, which she LOVES. Here Jayden paints Peyton's nails pink. This could not be LESS up my alley. So thank you Aunt Ju Ju. They love their girlie side, and maybe I'll come around. For Christmas we're getting the boys a drum set and a trombone with an amplifier. Merry Christmas Dovers! Bahahahahaha!

Peyton in purple eye shadow. She said, "Mom, Ju Ju paint my eyes!"

Storytime was led by Jayden, which is so sweet because it doesn't seem like it was that long ago that Jayden was learning to read.

Wow. I just added an electric guitar and a jack hammer, Dovers. Love you.

Without an audience, Libby was happy to open a princess piano from Uncle Kevin and Aunt Susan.

Our regular bedtime flight practice....

Because her birthday fell on Thanksgiving we opted to celebrate last week with some friends. Just low key. This was NOT a party. I lied and promised no singing and that nobody would watch her open a present. Just dinner. Maybe a cake. That's it.

But then, when a few of us tried bust out "Happy Birthday", this was the result, so we quit....
Ella Boo doesn't mind a birthday. She's interested in the cake.

Libby and her best buddy from her class.

With Thanksgiving and birthdays behind us we're ready to start thinking about Christmas, but not before celebrating yesterday's Duck victory over the Beavs in Corvallis! GOOOOOOOO Ducks!

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