Thursday, July 8, 2010

Daily Libbyism

I cannot make this stuff up.

This afternoon Shane and I were both inside the house while the girls played in the back yard. Libby was turning every square foot of dirt into mud, and Peyton was doing what Peyton does on the deck. The door was open and we'd check on them about every 40 seconds. In an instant the peace was disrupted with the kind of screams that send parents into a frantic dash for the door. Libby got inside the door before we could get out of it and both of us had to stifle our laughter. She was soaking wet and bawling. She pointed angrily outside and said, "I don't like Grunny doing that!....and the hose..." I'm thinking she just tried to make Grunden her scape goat. He hates to be sprayed with a hose and won't come within 50 feet of anyone holding one, so her story didn't add up. I asked, "Did someone spray you with the hose?"


"Was someone holding the hose and they sprayed you?"



"Meeeeeeeee!".....followed by more tears.

Luckily, when Shane and I burst out laughing, she did too.

On another note, this week was Libby's first week of camp and she loved it. She's been singing the songs she learned, telling us about the projects she did and generally, loving it. Phew! Her week was a raging success! Here are some of her projects:

I promise not to bore you by turning my blog into a brag board of work that the girls produce. But, if you know anything about my current situation (a.k.a. my anxiety over returning to work) then you know how important it is that my kids are happy and involved in school/camp settings that are good for them. This week has been great for us all. Case in point.... We ended the day by going out for Sushi. Libby fell asleep on the way to dinner and didn't wake up again until the next morning. She just slept in the booth while we ate and went straight from the car to her bed when we got home. That's one happy camper....

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