Sunday, March 22, 2009

We've Got a Crawler!

My camera is loaded with pictures, but my computer is so full that I'm afraid to download anything for fear that I'll cause a crash.  I'm working on getting everything backed up so I can get back to blogging!  

One thing I have to do before I wipe out my photo library is print pictures for Peytie's baby book. I'm determined that Peyton will have a baby book that is just as detailed and filled with pictures as her first-born sister.  Can you tell I'm a second child?  

We spent lots of time in the garage today.  While Libby was napping Shane and I got the garage cleaned up.  Last night he and Libby painted a rice table that Shane made her (pictures to come), and she couldn't wait to get her hands on it when she awoke.  Shane filled it with rice, I gathered scooping type toys, and she was in business.  She stood and played with rice from the time she woke up until bed time, only taking a break to eat dinner.  When it was time to come in the house to get ready for bed she was SO sad and had a total meltdown on my lap.  We recovered by watching some video of her playing at the rice table.  I imagine we'll be in the garage all day tomorrow.

Peyton crawled today!  She's been building up to it for a week or so now, and in the last week she's taken a few little "steps" forward, but tonight she really went for it.  She sees something she wants, and she's on the move until she gets there.  The good news is she's not very fast yet, which has its advantages.  The bad news is that now that she's covering some ground, her filthy clothes reflect just how dirty the floor is.  I remember this stage with Libby.  I'd always change her into a clean outfit before leaving the house because her knees were always brown.  Peyton is such a happy baby and has the squeals to prove it.  She loves the antics of her sister and they've become best friends.  Though if you ask Libby who is her BFF?  She'll say, "daddy."

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