Friday, March 13, 2009

The Girls Room

Last night was the first night of sharing a room for the girls.  It's no longer Libby's room.  It's THE GIRLS room.  We put them down after 8 o'clock and crossed our fingers.  Libby is a pretty light sleeper, and Peyton will often cry out in her sleep, or fuss hoping someone (anyone?) will come to her rescue.  Peytie did make some noise, and apparently Libby was unfazed, because she didn't wake up.  Well, that's not exactly true.  I did hear Libby's music box once. So, I think Peyton woke her up, and Libby turned on her music to drown out the fussing.  Anyway, bedtime tonight was a smoother transition and Libby was happily running circles (literally) around Peyton in their room just before bed.  As I'm sitting here Peyton is quiet and Libby is chatting to herself.

That's the scene at the end of this busy day.  Shane couldn't fish so he headed for Bachelor to get in a day of snowboarding.  My mom came last night and we went to Portland today to shop for a tent trailer for her.  We went to three RV dealerships, IKEA, the RV show at the Expo Center, and visited with Francis, an old family friend at his retirement home in Vancouver.  

Francis is a friend of my Grammy Pearl and Grandpa Marshall.  He and his wife Ellen moved next door when my mom was in about 7th grade and their five children were good friends to my mom and her two brothers.  When we got to his apartment he showed us the genealogy notebooks he's been working on for the last few years.  He doesn't see well any more, so he asked me to read though some of the travel logs of his relatives that arrived on Ellis Island in 1901 and 1908.  Some came from Liverpool on a sister ship of the Titanic.  Amazing!  He is 91 years old and offered to take us down to the dining room of the retirement community where he lives for some ice cream. Libby loved him instantly.  He also gave my mom some artwork (charcoal drawings and paintings) that my Uncle Jack had done, probably in high school, that he had.  Great day.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Our girls are sharing a room now too. They each had their own for a while, but now they are happy bunk mates! There is nothing better than hearing them chatting in the morning. It was a good move. I'm sure you'll be as lucky.

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