I've been plugging away at getting all of my photos backed up on two hard drives, and dvds. Still, it's so hard to hit the delete key because taking them off of my computer feels so permanent. Anyway, I'm almost done, and ready to get back to blogging. We've had some warm weather lately, and it's so nice to get outside! I'm ready for summer!
Before summer comes we're going to try to get Libby up to the mountain. Here she is getting outfitted for a little spring skiing.
Libby's running for her life after we cut paper and put it in her ball "popper" toy. Lots of fun, but messy to clean up. We had to clean it up right away because Peyton likes eating paper.Playing pretend has become a daily pastime. Libby feeds Bob in his high chair.
I'm ready...who's got the ball?
I can't look. Tell me when we get there.
Peytie woke up from a long nap at Grammy Jane's and had the hair to prove it.
Libby paints her rice table in the garage (with daddy's help).
Peyton takes in the mess.
Ready for rice...
We spend a lot of time at the rice table.
Peyton tries peaches. The texture totally threw her.
Libby goofs around at dinner with Becky Bones.
Just tasting the table.
Peyton takes a turn in the yellow tub. Libby loves playing in this tub. She piles it full of blankets and climbs in underneath them. She calls it her "bucket of blankets!"
We went to the Nelson's house on Wednesday night for dinner. The girls rode in the wagon. It worked so well that I loaded them up on Thursday to go play at the playground. Peyton wouldn't stay put and nearly fell out, so I carried her and Libby had the whole wagon to herself. Grunden and the wagon in one hand, Peytie in the other. Next time we take the wagon Peyton will have a seatbelt.
Look at me!
Bedtime snuggles with Grammy Jane.
Peyton has just started taking a bottle and Libby loves to feed her.
There's nothing quite as fun as an empty box.
Hello, Hollywood? Yeah, it's Libby.
Taking a bottle from daddy.