Friday, May 23, 2008

Life's Changing

Easter Day

Badmitton at Aunt JuJu's House

A February Trip to Mexico

A Chilly Day at the Park

Welcome to our blog! We decided it's time to start blogging as a way to keep up with friends and family and keep you posted on the latest happenings with our busy family.

Things are about to get crazy around here. I'm four weeks away from my June 20th due date, but will be surprised if I make it to 40 weeks! My doctor has assured me that just because Libby was early, Peyton might just hang in there a little longer. So, I'm preparing myself for the possiblity of fat ankles through June.

Libby has grown and changed so fast, that I'm trying to cherish these last few weeks with my "only child". We spend a lot of time in the back yard throwing the ball for Grunny, making mud and splashing through it, reading books and going for walks. We travelled over the mountain last week probably for the last time until number two gets here. We're shooting for having Peyton in our hometown this time, so we can keep Libby's life as routine as possible. Really, it's more about my sanity than anything. When we all sleep, we're all sane. When we don't, we aren't. Simple as that.

Ah Libby. She has totally changed our lives, and there's no doubt her little sister is about to do the same. Her most recent accomplishments include knowing and pointing to all the important landmarks on her face...eyes, ears, nose etc. Incredible I know! Surely, no other child on this planet could identify her chin by 17 months of age. She's also just discovered that her index fingers are the perfect fit for the inside of her nose and likes to go for daily digs. She loves on Grunny hourly. She's fascinated with the buckle on her high chair and trying to buckle it is the one activity that will hold her attention for 20 minutes or more. She adamantly (stubornly) refuses help. She'd brush her teeth 25 times a day if we'd let her ( I know there are worse habits, but c'mon, enough already). And when she gets mad she's prone to spitting. I'm prone to laughing. She has recently experienced time outs (for weilding a golf club at Grunny's head and then mine). And the topper....she plugs her nose when we exclaim P.U! There seem to be a lot of opportunities to exclaim P.U. in our house! That's our girl! We have to think long and hard to remember life before her.


rachel said...

What a joy Libby must be to you guys. LOVE the chubby bum photo in Mexico! How cute is that?!?!

I love your statement, "We have to think long and hard to remember life before her." It's so true. Life before children is like a different planet that we can barely recall.

But who really wants to??

(Come on over to my blog to meet our newest addition: Delaney Katherine.

roch said...

Jen, I love your blog. I might have to get my act a bit more together. Call us when you come over and have time to play. Hadley and McCovey would love to play with Libby. They are very social and would love to share their bad habits like saying "dang it", jumping off furniture, and swinging baseball bats wildly.
Hope to see you soon.
Rochelle & family

Lindy said...

Beans- It is so good to get an update on you guys. Can't wait to meet the next princess. We will have to get together so the girls can play. Love ya tons, Lou

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