Tuesday, January 1, 2013

The Internet Is Ruining My Life

Okay, that may be a bit dramatic.  Read: Pinterest is killing me. I love it too much.  I might be ever so slightly addicted to mindlessly searching for project inspiration. Mind you, projects that I have not one spare minute to carry out. And so I think I'll just blame Pinterest for everything. Pinterest is the reason I rarely blog.  It's the reason I've burned gallons of gas in the last few days searching for the best tray to organize my bathroom drawer (though others who know me well might say I'm predisposed to certain organizational obsessions). Also, I'm blaming Pinterest for the full blown meltdown Libby is having in her room at the moment because she didn't get her way.  I don't know how it's Pinterest's fault, but that's where I'm pointing my finger.

I do know this for sure:  Pinterest makes me love things and then I believe that I have to make them.  And because they're most often DIY sorts of things they rob me of time.  And I don't have extra time to just throw around.  Last year, along with the rest of the internet connected world, I found these....

....and I had to make them for the girls.

This one is Lucy Bug's.  Cute huh?  

I never did finish them for my girls.  The mats are done, but I never put their names on them.  Mostly because after I finished the mats (in white so they could be bleached) I asked myself if I really wanted to take the time to wash them as much as they'd need to be washed.  And then I guess I got my answer when I just never finished them.  Besides, putting their names on them means then that they can't be bleached.  See, it's logistically...........too much.  I decided that, though I love them, we have a 90 lb. lab and he's all the floor pillow we need.  Plus he's the reason everything needs to be washed all the time, and the dirt and dog hair looks way more natural on him.

So, if you're interested, I have two.  They're both white.  One is finished with pink grosgrain ribbon like Lucy's.  The other is a blank canvas.  I think I have the new pillows in my attic to go with them, so it would be better if you are local or don't need them right away....

Here's to hanging up my obsessions.  Or at least finding some that don't take so much time....

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