Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Stair Ride

Libby (at bedtime): Mom, how big is the stair ride?

Me: The stair ride?

Libby: Yeah.

Me: What stair ride?

Libby: The one you're going to take tomorrow.

Me: Um...... Oh, do you mean steroid?

Libby: Yeah.

Me: Oh, babe. Those are the yucky pills I was telling you about. They're just pills. The ones we'll pick up at the pharmacy in the morning.

Libby: Oh.

At this point I saw how everything once magical in childhood dies over time. I mean, she thought my cough was going to get better because tomorrow I'd be taking a stair ride. And she only asked because she wanted to know how big it would be. This magical stair ride that would heal my cough. We giggled about it, and I think I saw a flicker of embarrassment on her face which is exactly how the magic dies and we become sensible, logical adults, right? Boring sensible adults who take steroids. Together, we imagined that if there were such a thing, surely there would be a rainbow to slide down on the other side. I'm sure my cough would be gone then.

If you want to know where this all came from, read on. If you just want to soak up the magic of childhood innocence, stop reading here.

On second thought, it's not worth telling. It's vacation. I'm coughing. There's wheezing. I'm taking steroids, which is all very sensible. The end. Boring, huh? I like my girl's version so much better.

1 comment:

Debra said...

Love it. Skip the steroids, take the stair ride. I am going to start suggesting them at work. I like Libby's idea much better. It's boring to be an adult.

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