Saturday, May 22, 2010

Sum, Sum, Summertime

The warm weather not only opens possibilities for ways to spend our day, but it also gives us livable square footage. I likey more square footage. Here Libby serenades the neighborhood at the top of her lungs. She went through every song in her repertoire. I was, at one point, tempted to ask her to turn down the volume, but then I thought better of it. This kid has a need to perform. Check out her socks. Very Wicked Witch of the West. Broadway, look out.
Monkey see. Monkey do.
We've just taken the bouncy house out of storage. Hello, toddler energy zapper. I have missed you....
Monkey see.
Monkey do.
I wonder if it gets old to look at pictures of my kids making bubbles.... I never get tired of it.

I can't remember the reason for that head of hair, but I'm going to assume Peyton had just woken from napping. I mean, wow.
Every year at this time the Lutheran church down the street has a Scottish Festival. I always wonder about it, but we've never gone. This year we did. We paid nine dollars for two hot dogs and sat in the grass to listen to some music. It was great. First, we listened to the Eugene Highlanders play their bag pipes. I couldn't help but think of my Grammy. She absolutely hated the sound of bag pipes. She'd say, "That's the most God awful sound I've ever heard. Why anyone would like listening to bag pipes....." Anyway, I had a little chuckle and thought of her as we sat and enjoyed (a shaved ice and) the bag pipes.
Peyton's working on the potty and sometimes the feeling strikes when we're riding bikes in the driveway. We don't fret it, though. Grunden provides privacy. Sort of.
Hello summer of no pregnancies and no breast fed babies! I'm back! Do you like lemon drops? I make a mean one! The other night I had two. Only two, but I had the headache in the morning to prove it....
The indoor playground where we're members had their summer kickoff party last week. Shane took charge of painting our girls' hands as Libby didn't want her face painted. And Peyton wants whatever Libby wants. Always.
The party did Peyton in. She slept like this for at least an hour and kept sleeping after Shane put her in her bed.
Cinnamon toast. Yum.
This is my child. And this is how she arrived at the dinner table one night last week. Wearing nothing but a swim suit and a pair of boys underwear on her head. To each their own.

1 comment:

Julane said...

Love it as always!!! Thanks for posting. I think I recognize those boys' underwear. I can totally hear Grammy's voice about the bagpipes. And, I'll never get tired of looking at pictures of the grrrs making bubbles.

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