Sunday, November 22, 2009

Birthdays and Holidays and Football, Oh My!

We've had some really low key family days lately, and have been loving it. The girls have been healthy (knock on wood) and the Duck win last night was about all the excitement we could take. We're looking forward to the holidays, seeing friends and family and maybe hitting the slopes a little bit.

Libby chills in front of the t.v. one morning. She's likely watching one of three things: The Backyardigans, The Wonder Pets, or my new personal favorite, Olivia.
The girls have some snuggle time after reading books with Grandma Margie. Dad and Margie and the Dovers were here for the Arizona State game.
Libby loves herself some candy after a job well done on the potty.
Julane and Peyton ham it up together. Julane had her laughing so hard, Peyton was hysterical!

From pumpkins to ornaments..... Remember that fall recital Libby didn't dance in because she had a fever? Well, the costumes are the same, but the colors have changed. See how easily a pattern can be transformed? Let's hope she'll make the next recital....
Have slippers will travel.
Here's Libby at the latest birthday party for a friend in our Birth to Three group. Garrett turns three three days after Libby, and had his birthday party at the showroom for Rainbow play structures. Lots of things to climb on, and indoors... the best of both worlds.
Peyton was most interested in the bounce house, but had a hard time hangin' with the big boys.
Peyton displays her mood in the third quarter of last night's Duck game. I put her in some Duck gear hoping to turn the score around. It worked. You're welcome Ducks.... and Shad and Amber, thanks for the latest Duck wear!
We're looking forward to the holiday weekend, but first our baby turns three on Wednesday! We'll be celebrating by going to her three year check up (Libby doesn't know that yet), and taking away her binky. Okay, maybe we won't ruin her actual birthday by taking her bink away on Wednesday, but it's coming. Libby knows it too, so she tells us she's NOT turning three. I know it's the right thing to do, because I don't want to send her to kindergarten with a pacifier, but I know this isn't going to be easy. Wish us luck!

P.S. I've made it much easier to leave comments on our blog (I think). Tell me something!


Anonymous said...

Love it!!! ~Julane

carneyclan said...

I was wondering about the binky then I saw it in a picture. Good luck. Love you guys.

Anna I. said...

Wish we could ditch the mimi (that's what Garret calls his pacifier), but since Jackson also uses them, he'd just take those! So, we're in mimi land for at least a while longer.

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