Friday, November 13, 2009

Gettin' Out!

We've been healthy this week! We've gone a little stir crazy so on Tuesday we headed to Bend for a couple of days. I was so eager to get outta here, that I neglected to bring my chains and I don't have my snow tires on yet. Oops. The pass was a little messy today, but we took our time and made it home, no problem. The change of pace did us all some good.

Libby and I snuggled on the floor last week to watch the Duck game. Popcorn and football on a Fall Saturday. Wish the Ducks had won.
Peyton loves to put my hat on and then go around bumping into things. I don't know.
I came across this last week as Libby and I were looking at some old pictures together. I'd seen it before, but it's so different to see it now. I feel like Peyton is the exact replica of her daddy, in the female form. Here's what she should look like in a few years. :)
Snuggle time.
Rice Krispie Treats....
Look who's got some pride in her work.
A rainbow as we headed for Bend.
This is my mom's new dog Komen. She is all sweetness and love. Julane adopted her brother Oliver, and he's a lover too.
Since I'm looking back. I'm guessing circa 1978?
Heading to the Veteran's Day Parade.
Julane and the boys marched with their Boy Scout Troop.
Lunch after the parade at PBDI, our favorite!

Jamison's first basketball game! That's him with the ball.
Watching the game.

1 comment:

Julie said...

Boog- so many things I love about this posting.
1. LOVE the pic of Lib admiring her own work.
2. Love the one of Peytie in your hat. Partly cuz it's cute but mostly cuz we bought those hats together at Target and it reminds me how I loved spending hang out time with you this summer.
3. I am in love with your Mom's new Peet Swea
4. I have the same pic of Josh and I circa 1978 in the snow in front of our mailboxes... why the mailboxes?

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