Wednesday, July 22, 2009


We got home from Shasta on Sunday and it's been a week of unpacking, laundry, getting things put away, cleaning the trailer and getting rid of some stuff.  As I'm sitting here typing Peyton has walked over to me and is sitting on my lap pretending to type.  Libby is asleep.  She didn't have her afternoon naps while we were gone, so she's catching up on some much needed sleep. Yesterday afternoon she slept for three and a half hours.  Playing is a lot of work!  

I took a ridiculous amount of pictures of our trip.  Here's the very long version....

We stopped in Medford on the way down and went to Steve and Marybeth's (Shane's aunt and uncle) house for Grandma Betty's birthday party.  The family has grown since we were last together and Libby and Peyton had fun playing with the cousins.  Here's Libby with Shane's cousin Lexi.  Lexi caught lizards and showed them to Libby.  Libby never left her side!
Shasta!  Libby got in some love on Jamison and Jayden while they played cards with friends Eric and Kylie.
Peyton has an Oreo for breakfast....a Shasta tradition.  We don't normally eat them off the ground, but who says Peytie can't make her own mark on this family?
Strapped in and going nowhere.
Happy birthday Jamison!  He celebrated #11 on July 16th.
Morning smiles.
Jayden rocks the wake board.
Are you kidding me?  What's the plan here people?
A family photo op.  Shane couldn't find his regular life jacket so he sported "big orange" all week.  Stylin' huh?
Peyton, our little climber, loved the ladder on the back of grandpa's boat.  Up and down.  Up and down......
Jayden got up on two skis for the first time.  Way to go Jayden!
Okay, never fall asleep in this family.  Jim fell asleep on the tube and the boys untied him and let him float away.  He didn't wake up until he finally hit the shore.
One little mischievous man...
We fed this flock of geese that were clearly accustom to being fed from boats.  Peyton squealed at them from her perch on the bow of the boat.  She loved them!

Jamison, Jayden, Libby and Peyton.  Don't be alarmed.  Aunt Ju Ju is holding Peyton from behind.
Libby and Daddy...
Peyton takes a break from her life jacket.  She HATED her life jacket on the first day and got a little better with it as each day went on.  Still, it's huge, cumbersome and hot. So, the minute we put her in it, we'd have to dunk her in order to keep her cool.
Float time.
Libby and Kylie played together a lot.  Kylie was a great babysitter and Libby loved to be wherever Kylie was.  Kylie made her some braided bracelets, and Libby still has them on.
I love Shasta!
On  the first day Libby had to be in someone's lap while the boat was running.  As the days went on she got a more brave.  Eventually, she wanted to sit in her own seat AND be in charge of the flag.
Crazy kids....all three of them.

Shane jumping the wake.  
Sound asleep.
Getting ready to kneeboard.
Out again...
Libby got brave on the last day and started jumping off the boat.
This is Lily's in Mt. Shasta City.  We always stop for breakfast on our way home.  Jayden took some of his first steps here as a baby, so I wanted to captures Peyton's too.


The Pelroys said...

Wow, now thats a vacation! Looked like a great time. Boy, you guys sure keep busy! Makes me wish we could go to Shasta...well...anywhere other than my house! lol :-)

Unknown said...

What a great family tradition. It looks like fun was had by all.

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