Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Our Libby is Two!

Libby turned two yesterday! Where did the last two years go? I took so many pictures, but it's late so here's a quick snapshot of yesterday.

Little miss Drippy Chin

I'm two!

Hysterics with Aunt Ju Ju...

...and then snuggles

Why isn't it MY birthday?!

and today...

We went to Camas to put flowers on Grammy Pearl's grave. It was a beautiful crisp fall day and from the cemetery we could see across the Columbia River to Oregon. We put flowers on my Uncle Bill and Uncle Jack's graves and Grandma Wardle's (Grammy's mom) too. Libby helped carry the flowers.

After that we went to another cemetery to visit the graves of my grandpa's brothers and then met up with lots of family for lunch. Libby saw this tree outside the restaurant and said, "Mommy, apples!" I had to get a picture in front of the "apple" tree.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Hammin' It Up

Here's one for the baby book. Or maybe I'll wait and show it to her first boyfriend. Either way, have you ever seen anyone go for the toes with such gusto? Look how her big toe is jammed up under her lip! She'll probably need dental work.

Libby got a new broom and Shane cut it down to her size. I thought it was a great idea because sooner or later she was bound to do damage (probably to her sister) while weilding the full size one I use to clean the house. Anyway, she doesn't imitate my superb housekeeping. She chases Grunny with it. Poor Grunny!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Game Weekend

So, we attempted the football game and Peyton was surely dressed the part even if we did only make it through one quarter.

Go Ducks!

Grandma Margie and Libby had fun making Libby's birthday gingerbread house during the game. After the game, the boys helped put on some finishing touches and we all sang happy birthday to Libby on Sunday morning.

Jayden and Libby had fun playing with Libby's present; magnetic dolls with lots of wardrobe changes.

Here's a happy Peyton after her first meal of rice cereal. Clearly, it was a hit!

Monday, November 17, 2008

More Beach Time

Jayden and I moved the couch right in front of the sliding glass door so we'd have a great view of the beach. Then, the two of us sat there and pigged out on Jelly Bellies while Libby and Peyton slept. It turned out to be a great spot to snuggle with the girls once they woke up.

A late afternoon stroll on the beach. It was cold!

Libby could barely move in her coat and she wanted me to hold her. Grammy Jane made her tough it out and walk!

Jayden flies Libby's kite for her. He was much more interested than she was.

Dragging her feet.

Peyton gets ready (to sleep) for a walk on the beach.

This is a good way to travel if you're the one in the pack.

Jamison takes a break with Coco.

Libby gets a little tangled up in her kite.

Oh. For. Cute.

Okay, this is Cape Perpetua where we stopped on the way back south before heading home. It's right above Devil's Churn which is really fun to watch. However, I did not love this little venture. The night before, we were watching the Portland news and they aired a story about a little girl who fell through a railing at the Oregon Coast. Luckily, she grabbed ahold of some plant life on the side of the hill which kept her from falling down the cliff face. Her cousin jumped over the railing and saved her. If you haven't seen it, go to You Tube and search for Oregon Coast girl. Watch it. Then, you'll understand why I didn't like having the girls up here. I told my mom she couldn't let go of Libby's hand, and I was the first one in the car and ready to head back down. I don't mean to be such a fun hater, but that sort of thing stresses me out now that I have kids.

We pulled off the highway just North of the Sea Lion Caves to get a good look at the Heceta Head Lighthouse. As a bonus we got to watch hundreds of Sea Lions doing their thing on the beach. Look at the beach on the right. All of the dark part is covered with Sea Lions. They were in the surf too, and barking and stinking like crazy. We even got a fly by from a Coast Guard helicopter while we were there. Very exciting. Check out this weather!

Heceta Head Lighthouse

Libby on the dunes at sunset.

Jayden after putting the sneak on us behind some beach grass.

Cleowox Lake

My dunes girl

A Week in Review

I have taken SO many pictures in the last week, that I'm going to have to put them up over the next few days. Here is our week in review...

Peyton is getting so strong. She uses those tummy muscles to pull herself up.

This is Libby last week just after waking from her nap with a fever of 103. She was definitely not herself.

Peytie has some daddy time

Our friends Gabe, Hollie and Greyson stayed with us last weekend for the Duck game. Grey and Libby tried to share the dvd player to watch a little Thomas the Train. But it is really hard to share when you're (almost) 2 and (almost) 3.

Worn out

Here we are the Oregon Coast Aquarium.

Peyton takes in the Jellyfish

Yaquina Lighthouse. It's 104 steps to the top. My thighs were BURNING! And my calves were on fire for three days after. (sigh) Time to get in shape.

Libby's got my hair. It curls with the humidity.

We went to Depot Bay and watched a big show at the Spouting Horn. We just happened to be there at high tide so the horn blew really high!

Mom and the girls at the aquarium

Libby takes the turtle for a spin.

Libby and Jayden check out the birds.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

So Many Firsts

I haven't fallen off the face of the Earth as you may have thought. We've just had a really busy week. Julane's boys had last week off of school, and we packed up and went to the beach. We had one stormy day and two gorgeous sunny days. We went to the aquarium, walked on the beach and yesterday Peyton went to her first Duck game...well, sort of. We went to a great pre-game tailgater and the first quarter of a Duck game. We sat in a box with my dad and it was SO LOUD that anytime something good happened Peytie totally freaked out! She was pretty miserable from the time that the seniors were introduced, before so much as the kick off. So, we called Shane and he happily took over our seat and we headed for home to google "hearing protection for infants". She seemed to still have her hearing in tact today....thankfully. In addition to her first Duck game Peyton turned five months today and we celebrated with a steaming round of rice cereal! Well, luke warm, but she seemed to love it. I think she thinks we've been holding out on her. Hmmmm, maybe this will be the key to sleeping all night.

Check back tomorrow for pics of our adventures!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Daddy's Girl

If there was any question who Peyton looks like...I think we have our answer. Check out our little Peytie Pie and her daddy.


Peyton Shane

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Hope your Halloween was great. Ours was lots of fun, and Libby started to get the idea of wearing a costume and carrying a bucket that gets filled with treats. I think she likes dressing up after all.

Here is our little daredevil right after I told her "no more standing on the arm of the couch". Truthfully, I was glad she did it one more time, and I had the camera ready.

Libby looks at pictures on my computer while I get her used to the idea of wearing a crown.

Peyton has a little time with herself in the bathroom mirror.

Libby has just noticed the garage door. We leave through the garage everyday, but she's never really noticed the door until now. She loves to watch it go up and down, and then she asks for more.

Rough housing on our bed

The Princess and the Pea get ready to trick or treat.

Libby eats some of her treats.

Today we went to Emma's second birthday party. Libby had a great time, but was totally exhausted when we left, and she crashed when we got home.

Emma LOVED this particular gift!

This is our Birth to Three group. Clockwise from top right Garret (duck), Libby (princess), Ryan (Frog), Michael (lion), Emma (ladybug), Jayden (pirate) and Ara.

We finished the day with dinner and playtime in the tub for Libby.

Check out that mouth full of teeth!

Books before bedtime

Sitting up....right before tipping over.

A good night snuggle between sisters
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