Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I'm Back!

It's been a crazy couple of weeks. Shane's been working a lot and the girls and I have been back and forth between home and Bend. Thanks to so many of you who have sent cards, emails and flowers thinking of all of us. Grammy Pearl was so special and we've spent this time talking about our favorite memories of her. There are so many! I feel so blessed that both of my girls met her and shared some really sweet moments with her. Grammy always called them her "doll babies" and ended every phone conversation (often through tears) by asking me to give them a love from her. She always wished she could see more of them.

This was taken in July at Peyton's first meeting with Grammy. I love how Peyton is looking right into Grammy's eyes.

Libby's first haircut. She's got bangs...and a mullet.


Libby's looking cute in stripes.

Shane took Libby and Peyton on a walk to Valerie and Nelson's house early this month. When they came home Libby was SO proud of her beautiful pink nails. She held them out all night like they were drying. What a pretty girl! Thanks Valerie :)

My friend Cadi got married on October 4. Libby loves to dance. LOVES to dance. When it was time to leave she did so kicking and screaming....literally.

We've been to quite a few of the boy's football games this season. Jayden took this opportunity to teach Libby a few pointers on the sideline of Jamison's game.

Peyton won't take a binky, but she loves to suck on her hands.

Feeling a little snug.

Libby and Becky play together on the structure at Skinner's Butte Park. It was a beautiful crisp fall morning and we went for a walk on the river trail. When we got there, we had the play structure all to ourselves.

A new pair of pajamas make Peyton happy.

We went to the farm to take the girls in the corn maze. We didn't last long. About 25 yards in we realized the serious potential for getting lost and I was hungry before we even started. I really didn't want to be hungry and lost. We bagged it and headed for the pumpkin patch to pick out pumpkins.

Libby picks a pumpkin for Peyton.

Peyton's happy with Libby's pick.

Here's what happens when you turn your back on a toddler weilding a green marker.

Peyton's happy to be growing some hair.


Libby often stashes her sippy cups in places where they're forgotten. On this day she came to me with a cup of chunky milk, only after she'd taken a sip. I knew she'd tried it because she promptly spit it out down the front of her shirt. I quickly gave her some strawberry lemonade, which I knew she'd love, to try and dilute any milk that may have gone down.

Corn Maze #2. This is our second, much more successful try at a maze. This one is in Terrebon (sp?) and Libby had Jamison and Jayden to chase. She loved it.

Libby checks out the pumpkin patch with Grammy Jane, Jamison and Jayden.

Libby's new obsession...calculators. She loves to carry these two around at my mom's house.

Jayden and Julane invited us to an afternoon at the High Desert Museum. Libby loved this tank full of fish and turtles. When asked "Libby, can you say fish?" She replies, "Daddy!" You can understand the obvious connection.

A teepee at the High Desert Museum.

Libby loved to run around the deck that borders the mill of the pioneer town. Learning the pioneer ways will come later, I guess.

My little spider

A life size replica of a bald eagle's (I think) nest. Who knew they're that big?

I called my mom after we left the museum and she met us downtown for mexican food. Libby ate rice and beans, and a lemon wedge, peel and all.

We checked out a new playground on the west side. All of the playground equipment spins. We all left a little dizzier than when we came.

Libby shows Peyton her calculators. Grammy Pearl learned to walk using the chair that Libby is sitting in.

Tummy Time

Tummy Time Times Two

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