Thursday, October 30, 2008

Flat Mason and Flat Audrey

Are you familiar with Flat Stanley? He is a children's book character who is flat enough to mail himself in an envelope all over the world having adventure after adventure. I've never met him. I'm sure he's very nice.

However, the other day when I went to visit my friend Judy, she introduced me to Flat Mason and Flat Audrey. Apparently they'd come in the mail from our friend Debra's house with the intent to travel to New York with Judy and her husband Doug. So I kidnapped them. Not in the scary way, but in the "let's have our own adventure" way. Clearly, New York is a bigger adventure and with Doug and Judy they even encountered a black bear, but here is our adventure none the less.

Here is Flat Mason and Flat Audrey on the world's biggest carnival ride. It seemed very huge to Audrey, and after Mason got off he looked a little green, though he wouldn't admit to feeling at all sick. Peyton was quite bored with it as she goes on the ride everyday. She just slept through the whole thing.

After the carnival ride we visited the wild animal park to be zookeepers for a day. Here we are feeding the wolves. Mason was careful to hold very still while they ate, but Audrey didn't get her hand out of the way in time and ended up with a couple of stiches on her left hand. It's healing nicely.

The wolf was not nearly so vicious after a full meal.

After the wild animal park we decided on some down time. Here are Mason and Audrey snuggled in to watch Dora the Explorer.

Dinner was uneventful as Flat Mason and Flat Audrey do not have stomachs so they could not eat. This was probably best. We were having salad, and Flat Mason "doesn't do salad".

After dinner there was a ballet lesson. Flat Mason complimented Flat Audey on her super cool moves. This was clearly not her first dance lesson.

After ballet we hit Fred Meyer together to see if we could find a crown for Princess Libby's halloween costume. Flat Mason spotted just the one and Libby loved it.

We wrapped up our fun by heading home for a slumber party together. Flat Audrey like riding sideways, but Flat Mason reminded us that it would probably be best in the future if everyone were securely buckled into their seats. We all agreed.


Debra said...

Dear Jenny, Libby and Peyton,
Thank you for our wonderful adventure. It looks like we had a great time. Mason was happy not to be served salad. Audrey was very happy to see that she had a ballet lesson. Thank you for taking such good care of us, stitches and all.

The other Mason and AUDREY

rachel said...

You are too dang clever. What fun Flat Mason and Flat Audrey must've had with you guys.

Julane (Lussier) Dover said...

I love it! Wish we could have been with you all on the adventure!

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