Saturday, September 24, 2011

Summer, I Miss You.

When my dad and Margie built their house, they built a.......uh.......a (I can't remember the name for it) tank, basically, that catches the rain water and snow melt that runs off the house to water the yard with later. It was intended to be green. But, my kids just think it's fun. It's a riverbed that can be turned on and off with a faucet. Here are pictures from last month (though, right now it seems like I took them a year ago) playing in "the riverbed" at their house.....

....and then Libby decided a water fight was in order.


Monday, September 19, 2011


I worked a lot this weekend. More than I'd like to admit. And when I was expressing frustration about it to Shane he said, "I know you. This is the September you. You're still in your organizing phase. Pretty soon you'll get into the rhythm of the school year and get your program dialed. Then, you won't be so tired and frustrated with how much you're working. Just give yourself a couple of weeks."

He's right. Today, I was home by four. The girls sat with me at the kitchen table and we "worked" together for a bit. Shane asked Libby if she wanted to feed Grunny his dinner. She responded, "Yeah Dad. It's what I do." Duh. Then, we generated a list of "B" words since this is B-week in Libby's class. The list was:
belly button

Tomorrow she has to take B things for the table at school. She chose beads, a bird (stuffed) and Barbie. Holy B-week Batman. Is she really already doing all of this? She is. Then tonight after baths she showed me how she's becoming an expert at climbing the interior door jams. Daddy even lifted them up so they could hang from the molding by their fingertips. I love this family. But in September I miss getting to have so much time with them.

I'll leave you with some shots of my efforts to make Duck Fans out of my girls. So far it's working. Here they are on the last game day.....

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Here We Go.....

Who needs pictures when the conversations with these two just get better and better.....

Libby: Mom, how do you get a baby in your tummy?

Me: Um, well it's like a tree. It starts with a seed and then it grows and grows and grows.

Libby: A BABY seed?

Me: Yep.

Libby: But how does it DO that?

Me: Well, you have to eat right, and take care of yourself and talk to the baby and watch it kick.....

Libby: But what if it's hard on you?

Me: Well babe, sometimes you were.

Note to self: Get ready to explain where that baby seed comes from. On second thought, for entertainment's sake, maybe I'll steer her in Daddy's direction. After all, he's the farmer.....

Friday, September 16, 2011

How Do You Find a Good Man?

Tonight at bedtime:

Libby: Mom, when I grow up can I marry Daddy?

Me: Well, not really. He's kinda taken.

Libby: I don't want to find another nice man like Daddy. (pouting) All the good ones are already taken.

I don't know where she gets this stuff, but she can't possibly know how right she is.

Big Words

In our bed at five o'clock this morning:

Peyton: Mom, you sure are big.

Me: Yep.

Peyton: Like an elephant.

Me: Uh.........come again?

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Feeling Old and Tired

Don't give up on me. I really want to be writing here, but at the moment I'm buried under nine classroom tables, piles of papers I have yet to check in, 35 kids who need Peechee folders, shoes and a breath mint and a list of emails that go on forever. Since I'm neglecting my blog I'll post something that will make you laugh. I promise. I hope I have the opportunity to grow old.....

Go watch this. Right now.

I had a conversation today that went like this:

Your kids are three and four?


So you had them later, then?

Well, we didn't try for it that way, but yeah.

I left the conversation going Later? What did that mean, later? Just how late do I appear to you? But the truth is, when I'm tired it shows. And I'm tired. Guess I'll go tend to my bunyons, or see if I'm medicare eligible......

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Awwwww. I love her.

Libby: Mom, can you get that balloon down for me? The one up there. On the ceiling.

Peyton: Libby, when I grow talluh (taller), I will didit (get it) for you.

Oh sweetness, they really have their moments.
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